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Recent content by MartinMilk

  1. MartinMilk

    General Which RE game did you play today?

    RE6 on the Switch
  2. MartinMilk

    General Favourite Game In The Series?

    Code Veronica Creepy atmosphere, loved reading the files from the prisoners. People who love classic RE but can't get into CV I do not understand.. it has all the amazing elements from a good RE game. I also loved Steve, people are way too hard on him. Remember he's 17 years old and have gone...
  3. MartinMilk

    Revelations Resident Evil Revelations 2

    I loooove Rev2, even played through it on PS Vita and had a blast. Yes loadtimes are crazy long but it was a neat thing to have on there.
  4. MartinMilk

    General Which RE game has got you into the series?

    RE3 Nemesis on the PS1.. Shortly after I got RE1 and then 2.. rest is history but I've played every single game, and I own every single game still to this day, even the obscure titles like Gaiden and Gun Survivor series. Anyway I even love the bad ones, Umbrella Corps was in my opinion a lot of fun.
  5. MartinMilk

    RE6 RE6 campaigns most to least favourite?

    Chris Sherry Ada Leon
  6. MartinMilk

    Revelations Resident Evil: Revelations 3

    I'm started to get the vibe Capcom have moved on from the Revelations spin off.. instead they worked on resistance.. :/
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