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Recent content by LogBomb

  1. LogBomb

    General Original Trilogy Released on PC

    So are you going to revisit 2? I remember you mentioning something about that For me this is going to be a special playthrough because I haven't played RE2 since 1998 and even though I finished it multiple times I only played as Leon because back then I thought it just had a male, female...
  2. LogBomb

    General Original Trilogy Released on PC

    RE2 is out! https://www.gog.com/en/game/resident_evil_2
  3. LogBomb

    RE9 RE9 at Summer Next?

    This is an interesting interview where Koshi Nakanishi (director of RE9) talks about his experience directing Revelations, particularly where he talks about going back and playing RE2 and noticing the "sharp contrast between RE then and now". I'm looking forward to what he comes up with in RE9
  4. LogBomb

    General Resident Evils 2, 3 Question

    Yeah, it's really nice to have an official version that just works on modern PCs
  5. LogBomb

    General Resident Evils 2, 3 Question

    The reason they did it was so you can get the cheaper price for buying the trilogy, while still being able to play each release as it is finished. In the interview they explained that getting Capcom to approve each release is a long process where they submit many builds of the game to Capcom...
  6. LogBomb

    General Original Trilogy Released on PC

    I really enjoyed revisiting the original game that started it all with the re-release of Resident Evil on PC, and now finally Resident Evil 2 is about to be re-released on August 27th.
  7. LogBomb

    General Resident Evils 2, 3 Question

    Just announced, August 27th
  8. LogBomb

    General Resident Evils 2, 3 Question

  9. LogBomb

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    Haha, but he's the coolest. I'm so glad we got Revelations 2 with Barry as a main playable character, at the time it revived my interest in the series
  10. LogBomb

    RE7 biohazard 7 on iPhone

    It's not how I like to play games but there are a lot of people now that only have phones so it is good to give them access. It's also for any Apple device with the M1 chip so there will be a lot people playing it on MacBooks
  11. LogBomb

    General Original Trilogy Released on PC

    I didn't know about that before I played this release, it was actually quite relaxing playing as Jill and not having to worry about ink ribbons for my first run since 1998, I needed to get used to tank controls again and the way combat works in these old games. I got used to the tank controls...
  12. LogBomb

    General Original Trilogy Released on PC

    Even the first game is an action adventure, especially when you do the timed challenges with a machine gun :LOL: It's definitely important to have a good balance of action and adventure in a Resident Evil game, and I think there are good signs for the future in that regard
  13. LogBomb

    General Original Trilogy Released on PC

    I found something I didn't know about that turns out to be exclusive to the PC version. If you finish Chris Redfield's scenario in under 4 hours you unlock this machine gun. I had only played the PlayStation version so this was new to me. I then used it to help unlock the Rocket Launcher which...
  14. LogBomb

    RE9 RE9 at Summer Next?

    Here is the quote from Koshi Nakanishi the director of Resident Evil 7: "We are making a new Resident Evil. It was really difficult to figure out what to do after 7. But I found it, and to be honest it feels substantial." It's interesting that he says it was difficult to figure out what to do...
  15. LogBomb

    General Original Trilogy Released on PC

    It certainly was and it was such an event when each of the games came out. I don't own any of the original trilogy anymore so this has been an exciting release for me to actually buy them again for modern hardware. I'm planning to replay the trilogy for the first time in many, many years.
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