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Recent content by Khasho

  1. K

    General Some love for RE6...

    Re6 is the only game where all the campaigns are more different to each other. They take place in different areas, different weapons mostly and different experience. Like in Past RE games which had two characters like 1,2, and 5 there is not that much of difference. In CV areas are same but...
  2. K

    RE9 Potential release date leak

    This image is fake. I think capcom would make RE1 remake next or they will combine Re1 and RE0. Re1's 30th birthday is soon. So capcom will be planning to release in 2026. Re0 +1 would be great package and perfect excuse for a remake. Because 1 remake already exists which is perfect for old...
  3. K

    RE4 Which platform did you play RE4 on?

    I played it on gamecube first. After that ps2. After that ps3, xbox 360, ps4, xbox one, switch. I play RE4 every year. I beat it like 10 times in a year. I love It's combat and pacing. For me original is the best version. So many little details were cute. I played remake 2 times after that...
  4. K

    RE6 Which platforms did you play RE6 on?

    My thumbs get tired when doing QTEs. I never liked them. Specially in harder difficulty. I hater RE6 because of QTEs but after playing on switch with auto QTEs feature i have started to enjoy RE6. It can be turned off but i always keep it on. QTEs play like cutscenes. Which make gameplay so...
  5. K

    RE6 Which platforms did you play RE6 on?

    PS3, Xbox one and Switch. I had lot of fun playing on Switch because of Auto QTEs
  6. K

    RE:4 Impressions Thread

    I agree with you. I am tired of all these remakes. And when another team remakes a game they always tend to stick close to the original.
  7. K

    RE:4 Impressions Thread

    I am very disappointed with side quests. Leon a government agent is hunting rats and shooting blue medallions in every area. Killing rats is not fun. Only 3 side quests were good where killed powerful enemies. Other quests were just shooting targets. No side quests had any story. Shooting is...
  8. K

    General Ranking the series

    Original Resident Evil 4 for me is "S" tier and Remake 4 is "B" tier. Playing Remake for feels like i am playing survival horror like Re2 remake even than ammo is too low. It went from action horror to survival horror.
  9. K

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    I feel Resident Evil 4 remake is less action than the original. Bolt thrower is a must if want to save ammo. I didn't used it and i was running out of ammo constantly. Never had that problem in original even though i use only 4 weapons in my play through
  10. K

    RE:4 Impressions Thread

    I have beaten Remake 4. I feel like it's a survival horror game rather than action horror game. I will give it 8/10. Not worth replacing original. Original action felt so good. Reloading animations suck in remake
  11. K

    General RE series has enough games in series now to Keep playing in rotation.

    Have you ever tried playing RE5 where Sheva is just a mule? I once filled all Sheva inventory with freeze rounds and beat RE5 as Chris only, Sheva was like as if Ashley. I healed her but didn't gave her any weapons or health.
  12. K

    RE:4 New info, footage and key art via GameInformer

    No game has stopped the feel of gun like in RE4. Shooting feels so satisfying. I hope in Remake don't act like Evil Within and TLOU where they run up close which makes it hard to shoot. I don't want stealth in RE games, never. More sidequests is a positive thing. More content is good.
  13. K

    General RE series has enough games in series now to Keep playing in rotation.

    Every RE game that i play, I take my time with it like i am playing for the first time. I read files, check out environment and watch cutscenes. 6 is best for cutscenes. I like it's gameplay too. When i move on to other games and get back to 6 when i am done with other games. It feels like...
  14. K

    General RE series has enough games in series now to Keep playing in rotation.

    I play L1, C1, J1, A1, H1, P1 and S1. In this order. I don't play mercenaries. I only play campaign. I think RE6 has best cutscenes production value. In 20 hours i Did first 2 chapters with all characters. After completing RE6 with all characters i will do RE5.
  15. K

    General RE series has enough games in series now to Keep playing in rotation.

    Wow you played RE6 a lot, fantastic. Did you played campaign or Mercenaries mode? When you play campaign in what order do you play? Do you play As Sherry, Helena and Piers? I remembered when RE5 released within few months my playtime was above 500 hours. I have played RE4 a lot. On ps4, Xbox...
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