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Recent content by Gwyllgi

  1. Gwyllgi

    Virus Virus Analysis: t-Veronica

    I'd hate to Necro but you should probably list out the Hosts a bit better, with a short description of who they are and how they fit in to the history of the virus.
  2. Gwyllgi

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    So just about to beat RE 5... why doesn't anyone bring up that Uroboros made wesker electrogenic?
  3. Gwyllgi

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    So i've been replaying RE 5... can all Uroboros mutants dissipate and reform? Is wesker alive and basically cameron now?
  4. Gwyllgi

    General Lore Questions

    so does that mean that rosemary's strain of the mold, through genetic modification have become a theoretically more potent variant or did the connections actually achieve their goal but were missing a vital part they didn't consider? if the latter is it that rosemary naturally conceived or that...
  5. Gwyllgi

    General Lore Questions

    Here's one i've recently thought about. What was the point of the Mold, the B.O.W. Mold, and the Cadou all being different? where they intended to parallel the Progenitor directly? for instance how do we know that the reason Evelin makes molded is because she is a BOW when it could just be her...
  6. Gwyllgi

    General Lore Questions

    I have one, i was rewriting a resident evil fanfic and i came to this weird conclusion rereading the lore. Uroboros doesn't work the way people think it does. i wanted to know if people agree with my theory. Is it possible that Uroboros works by creating a new organ within the body, which...
  7. Gwyllgi

    General Unpopular Opinions on Biohazard

    Capcom utterly failed by not courting a horror audience considering the amount of resident evil in all of the most popular horror games of the last 20 years Resident evil is at it's best when it embraces full on Scifi instead of realism outbreak should have been the basis for the next decade...
  8. Gwyllgi

    General How could Oswell return

    okay so does that mean the Mold is living as a organelle within the Human cell, a symbiote along side them, or outright replacing the human cell and just switching on human genes? Because it sounds like you're implying the latter.
  9. Gwyllgi

    General How could Oswell return

    God that sounded a lot more coherent in my head.
  10. Gwyllgi

    General How could Oswell return

    It was my understanding that the Cadou was molded and acted as a maxwell’s demon to give people mold powers without mold problems. This is why Evelyn exists because mother Miranda knows how to make Bioweapons from the mold but was sandbagging it because she didn’t want competition. This would...
  11. Gwyllgi

    General How could Oswell return

    yeah but the G-Embryo could again be argued to have a better form of energy storage because it's not human, plus if memory serves it bursts out of a person, killing them then you don't see it for a while, it could be argued that it ate some dead bodies like nemesis. This carries with Jack who...
  12. Gwyllgi

    General How could Oswell return

    I think creatures in RE past the 3rd game lack a good explanation as to where they’re storing the energy and resources to undergo the massive, violent transformations they often do. The tyrants can be explained by them having more efficient fat storage and presumably eating whoever they find...
  13. Gwyllgi

    General How could Oswell return

    Additionally the problem with continuing the story past umbrella is that umbrella is the perfect villain for the world. Imagine having to explain why another company could get as far as umbrella did and still mess up bad enough to personally cause another outbreak. Having outbreaks done by...
  14. Gwyllgi

    General How could Oswell return

    It fits the realism aspect a little, but it’s transgressed into using science to explain magic. Like it makes sense in universe but not what anyone wanted.
  15. Gwyllgi

    General How could Oswell return

    None of that sounds like a fresh enough idea to end up in a mainline game. All of that sound like plot from a revelations 4 game or something.
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