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Recent content by foxyareku

  1. foxyareku

    Outbreak Outbreak Replacements?

    I still play it online so I haven't had a need to replace it. But Resistance was the closest.
  2. foxyareku

    Outbreak Character Obsessed - A New Youtube Series Exploring Characters, Starting with RE.

    Thanks Yama. These will probably keep being slow coming, it's just hard to make time for it with all I have going on, but look forward to future eps. I'm also still playing outbreak with friends every now and then if anyone ever wants to join me in my discord server. Considering Alyssa next...
  3. foxyareku

    Outbreak Character Obsessed - A New Youtube Series Exploring Characters, Starting with RE.

    Episode 2. Life sidewinded me really hard of course right after the first episode came out, so this took extra long. Sorry about that, but I hope you enjoy. Especially the skit at the start haha.
  4. foxyareku

    Outbreak Character Obsessed - A New Youtube Series Exploring Characters, Starting with RE.

    Thank you all for the kind words. Will definitely update, I've started on episode 2. :)
  5. foxyareku

    Outbreak Character Obsessed - A New Youtube Series Exploring Characters, Starting with RE.

    Thought I would share here. I've started a youtube series exploring characters. First Episode: The Other RPD Survivor - Kevin Ryman These videos take me a very long time, and I don't have a lot of free time to begin with, but I'll keep updated here. I'm starting with the Outbreak characters...
  6. foxyareku

    Outbreak Ranking Outbreak Characters

    It's overall. George probably drops to B tier in File 1 though thinking about it. He definitely upgraded the most going into File 2.
  7. foxyareku

    Outbreak Ranking Outbreak Characters

    Probably in lower A . If you don't factor in her lockpicking, she really is just a worse Kevin at the end of the day. It's nice she can get, at worst, an extra first aid spray most of the time, but even in casual play that doesn't help super much. And Kevin is already making bosses super easy so...
  8. foxyareku

    General Resident Evil Netflix: yeah, or nah?

    Zootopia porn is canonical to the series now thanks to this. All I know about the show.
  9. foxyareku

    Outbreak Ranking Outbreak Characters

    Long as you're not Jim and you don't get floored virus gauge isn't generally a problem. Game would be even harder without it cos without a virus gauge, getting floored would have to be just instant death. I understood the design a lot more when I realized that. It's already silly when you eat a...
  10. foxyareku

    Outbreak Ranking Outbreak Characters

    What Cindy B means is effectiveness/meta gaming, not particularly 'interesting'. I don't like playing as him either, but Jim has the highest potential DPS when you get into the numbers. But of course, metagaming a game like this isn't for everyone and being the strongest character doesn't...
  11. foxyareku

    Outbreak Ranking Outbreak Characters

    You're mostly correct for file 1. In file 2 they changed it, each head only gives 10% crit-but you can stack it infinitely instead of only 3 times. Getting 5 heads in a row takes forever but boy does 50% crit feel good... Jim shines the most on flashback because he can get the axe and melee...
  12. foxyareku

    Outbreak Ranking Outbreak Characters

    My first ranking was more how they perform mechanically then my preference. Jim requires a few minutes of doing nothing for coin flips, but once he gets that? Killing machine that never gets hit typically. Though his dodge is really nerfed in file 2, it's still good. But I completely...
  13. foxyareku

    Outbreak Ranking Outbreak Characters

    It kind of varies depending on the level in question, and also whether you're online or offline, but generally I'd probably rank them like so. From a gameplay/balance standpoint and assuming high skill play S: Kevin, David, Jim Ridiculous damage output, though David takes a lot of skill to use...
  14. foxyareku

    General RE Online | An RE:2 Brainstorm

    Outbreak remade with the RE2 gameplay/engine/enemies would be my perfect game.
  15. foxyareku

    Outbreak RE Outbreak: Placing The Scenarios

    It's kind of an all or nothing thing-it at the least confirms that NPC deaths when you don't pick the character for that level don't mean anything, and that's all that was really up in the air generally. And yeah, bad ending is your character spreads the virus out of the city-very bleak, but no...
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