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Recent content by Evil Resident

  1. Evil Resident

    Virus Most deadly Viruses?

    t+G is ok to me, I'm just not a big fan of Morpheus himself. But t+G still makes HUNK retrieving the G-Virus relevant, so i'm glad we have it. I guess I'm just not a big fan of the viruses that don't really stand out very well, and don't get properly explained. Like some of the more obscure...
  2. Evil Resident

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    I personally think that putting Alexia and Wesker on a more even power level makes more sense narrative wise, because otherwise it just seems weird to kill Alexia but save Wesker for later. And the X version fits Wesker's other depictions better. This is regardless of my feelings about the...
  3. Evil Resident

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    I personally think the way Wesker is handled in TDC is really lackluster. Like they didn't want to go through the effort of recreating his scenes, so they gave him a voiceover in one part and just had him scribble a message in the end cutscene, lol. His appearances in CV were kinda cheesy...
  4. Evil Resident

    Virus Most deadly Viruses?

    I honestly like almost all of the pathogens, and it is hard for me to rank them because they all have a different aesthetic and are great for different reasons. But my favorite is probably either Progenitor, since it is the source of everything and therefore picking it is like cheating, lol; or...
  5. Evil Resident

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    To be fair, Wesker and Chris fighting but it not reaching a conclusion is kind of important later on, since that is the reason Chris became ripped in the first place - to prepare for the next time he fights Wesker.
  6. Evil Resident

    Manga Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness (The Beginnings)

    DeCandido is an excellent author who goes above and beyond with little details, so I really hope he is given the freedom to shine with this.
  7. Evil Resident

    Virus Most deadly Viruses?

    She was infected with t-Birkin - the virus inside of the Nemesis T-Type was just the normal t-Virus. The parasite released secretions that just enhanced the metabolic effects that the virus gave, making regeneration better. But it's not a different virus really. The vaccine she took was...
  8. Evil Resident

    Virus Most deadly Viruses?

    Any vaccine made for standard t-Virus strains would probably have no effect on t-Phobos. Once a strain changes form the vaccine is often circumvented. That's why the t-Vaccine didn't actually stop t-Virus outbreaks - the virus changes over time, and new strains keep getting made. That's why the...
  9. Evil Resident

    Movies Infinite Darkness Spoilers

    We at Project Umbrella actually did an interview with the author of the upcoming manga series based on Infinite Darkness: https://www.projectumbrella.net/keith-ra-decandido-interview-pured.html The author, Keith DeCandido, is excellent, and I have high hopes for him just pouring detail into...
  10. Evil Resident

    Movies Infinite Darkness Spoilers

    He might have been part of it. If he wasn't, then he probably didn't know about them, since even Benford didn't. I think the implication with the ending was that they wanted to do a second season. He wasn't making a deal with TRICELL, they were the ones he was making deals with from the...
  11. Evil Resident

    Virus Most deadly Viruses?

  12. Evil Resident

    Virus Most deadly Viruses?

    T is code for any weakened strain of Progenitor anyway. So it may not even have the same t-Virus that we usually see. Nosferatu's gas could have had the virus in it. But it was fundamentally different from Lepotisa's anyway, since Nosferatu gas was insect poison that became a cloud when exposed...
  13. Evil Resident

    Virus Most deadly Viruses?

    I think the gas burns the lungs of anyone who inhales it, as per the heat qualities of t-Veronica. Which leads to death. Then the virus reanimates the body as a Zombie, because dead bodies can't become J'avo. To be fair, we have no idea what t-Veronica does to corpses. So it could very well...
  14. Evil Resident

    Virus Most deadly Viruses?

    I think that the C-Virus just doesn't spread from body fluids or skin contact as a safety precaution. Since the Family didn't want to start an epidemic, they wanted to maintain order and needed a controllable virus to do so. Even Lepotica was "programmed" to self destruct after a while, so it...
  15. Evil Resident

    Virus Most deadly Viruses?

    Rasklapanje doesn't infect bodies, it just implants its embryos into them. That's why the bodies we see them birthed from don't also mutate. It is indeed probably a holdover from the G-Virus.
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