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Recent content by Chris Red

  1. Chris Red

    General Which RE game has got you into the series?

    Remake did it for me, that was a good time to own a GameCube.
  2. Chris Red

    General Resident Evil Villains

    + Simmons had a lot of potential and was killed off way too fast imo. - Eveline was the most ungrounded part of an otherwise grounded realistic entry.
  3. Chris Red

    Gun Survivor Resident Evil Dead Aim

    Underrated gem. The budget isn't there, so it's lacking all the production value you came to expect of the series at the time. That's probably what hurt it most. Other than that it pushed a lot of things forward and was far more traditional than the first game. Good plot, characters, etc.
  4. Chris Red

    RE:1 Resident Evil Triple Pack (Switch)

    October 29th physical release for $59.99, versus $29.99 each digital. 4 comes on the card, 5 and 6 are digital codes. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/resident-evil-5-and-6-switch-release-dates-triple-/1100-6468467/
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