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Recent content by Bodycount

  1. Bodycount

    RE4 RE4 VR Trailer

    So apparently the VR version has been hacked to bits by the Politically Correct crowd @ facebook/oculus: https://happywarrior.substack.com/p/re4vr Really sad to see, some of this stuff is just downright hilarious though. No flirting between leon and hunnigan (offensive) and no more...
  2. Bodycount

    Movies RE movie trailer. Thoughts?

    kill it with fire the casting choices are abysmal the effects, cgi, and production value look laughable I rather take in a Jovovich flick honestly my only hope is that capcom can distance this abortion far enough from the videogames, so much so that it occupies the same irrelevant space as...
  3. Bodycount

    RE4 RE4 VR Trailer

    yeah for sure, have a lot of nostalgia for this place. You can hit me up on PSN and we'll talk from there, Untitled1. If you still go by YamaMX i'll add you.
  4. Bodycount

    RE4 RE4 VR Trailer

    You've had your trademark stolen btw https://bsgcraftbrewing.com/kerry-biohaze-20kg :ROFLMAO:
  5. Bodycount

    RE4 RE4 VR Trailer

    How far we've come. Now all it needs is a PSVR version. PS. damn Yama, this forum still up and running? :oops::ROFLMAO:
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