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Recent content by ArabPikachu

  1. ArabPikachu

    Revelations Thoughts on Revelations as a whole?

    My assumption is that depending on how many script writers they hire, they will even hire a sub-team of script writers within the videogame development team. In that circumstance, they hire a Chief Script Writer.
  2. ArabPikachu

    Revelations Thoughts on Revelations as a whole?

    With REvelations 2, you at least have a BioHazard: RE game to play as Claire Redfield in co-op multiplayer while puzzle solving, exploration, and even over-the-shoulder combat🎮 Even though I'm still working on a BioHazard 1 fan REmake in Unreal Engine 4, I'll take pages from REvelations 2 to...
  3. ArabPikachu

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    1) Pointing out a federal insurrection isn't derailing because if USA citizens don't have a democracy, they don't even have freedom to talk about Resident Evil videogames online 2) Last but not least, the very 1st Resident Evil videogame was about a local government insurrection. While Raccoon...
  4. ArabPikachu

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    Back in 2016, Donald Trump marketed his Presidential/Vice Presidential ticket by saying "If you don't like me, you get him". That selling point died out after Jan 6th insurrectionists chanted for execution of his Vice President though. However, I have a unique voter base who play BioHazard: RE...
  5. ArabPikachu

    Other RE: The Arklay Chronicles

    I was one of the winners in a January speedrun contest with it this this year. At the moment, I'm waiting for the game to be updated with a 3rd chapter🧠🎮
  6. ArabPikachu

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    @RipvanX I REspect your advocacy of labour unions and that brings me to the next point: If CapCom put me in charge of a BioHazard 1 REmake, I'd add co-op multiplayer as a way to unionize the S.T.A.R.S!🧠👨‍💻🎮⭐:LOL: Albert Wesker is the most likable character to have a single-player scenario in...
  7. ArabPikachu

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    Back when they were GameCube exclusive, BioHazard: RE Zero and the 2002 BioHazard 1 REmake undersold for CapCom. CapCom is too busy raking in profits from the HDified, multiplatform Origins Collection. Even if CapCom wants to commercially REmake full circle, they should pay attention to my...
  8. ArabPikachu

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    Most of the Operation Raccoon City dev team weren't even Japanese citizens but the one exception was veteran Composer Shusaku Uchiyama. Even then, Slant Six Games delivered a "tokusatsu" vibe to REsonate with that game. It's like Operation Raccoon City was actually developed by people who grew...
  9. ArabPikachu

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    A Canadian citizen named Amanda Doiron was the Script Writer of Operation Raccoon City. Despite mixed REception of the game, Operation Raccoon City did sell big before the ill-fated closure of Slant Six Games.
  10. ArabPikachu

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    The RE Engine REmakes are semi-canonical at most. When I played Campaign mode in both the 2019 BioHazard 2 REmake and 2020 BioHazard 3 REmake, it was like zapping between more semi-canonical scenarios to me!🧠🎮:LOL: Leon scenarios in 2019 BioHazard 2 REmake = Leon C and D Claire scenarios in...
  11. ArabPikachu

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    To take a temporary vacation from the canon talk, here's a +30 minute extension I made to a masterpiece song from BioHazard: RE Umbrella Corps!🎶
  12. ArabPikachu

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    Neither did I expect living dolls but because those living dolls were controlled by a parasitic organism, we'll give CapCom credit for adding a thematically biohazardous flavor to give those living dolls RElevance in this franchise!🧠:LOL:
  13. ArabPikachu

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    Sharks have been part of this franchise since the very first game, which is exactly why I REcently decided to REuse a meme of my stuffed animal shark as an avatar for the biohaze forums!🧠🦈:LOL:
  14. ArabPikachu

    General Random Thoughts: Biohazard/Resident Evil edition

    The major plot twist is that CapCom has zapped and REzapped us into sensory overload about the canon of this franchise altogether!🧠🎮:LOL:
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