• We've completed one of the biggest updates to our forums in years and have pushed the update live! New forum structure that's all inclusive, prefix system categorizes topics per game title. More thread options such as articles, questions, deep dives, etc. Read more in the pinned thread!

Recent content by Agent Wong

  1. Agent Wong

    Website 2022 Forum Update | Prefix Legend

    Putting in work. Looks immaculate as always
  2. Agent Wong

    RE:4 RE:4 Capcom Showcase 6/13

    klaskldfklasdfalskdjf This game is only surpassed by my love of baseball.
  3. Agent Wong

    RE:3 Rumor: RE:3 2020?

    Give it to me baby
  4. Agent Wong

    OT Games Destiny 2?

    So where are all my Destiny 2 people at? I know there has to be some of you out there and I'd like to know what your feelings on the game are as a whole. As of right now I feel like the pvp needs to be looked at quite a bit. As far as the PVE goes it's progressing more and more with each update...
  5. Agent Wong

    OT Website Biohaze Website

    As much as I loved my old Ada avatars, I'm really liking the new old version of Ada In RE2:make
  6. Agent Wong

    OT Website Welcome Thread + Giveaway

    Hi I'm Agent Wong. I like long walks on the beach, RE2 and Jack Daniels. :p Lord almighty this looks amazing. For those of you that dont know me, I've been hanging around this community for quite some time. Watched it grow and evolve into this beautiful creation. Been a fan of the series and the...
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